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My Life's A Trip

Luxury Without Snobbery*

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Sake Bar near Shibuya Crossing,Tokyo

Shibuya Sake bar

Sake Bar alley iPhone image

During my short visit to Tokyo, my friend Shuhei was kind enough to be my guide and go out on the town with me. He showed me parts of Tokyo that aren’t filled with Western tourists and some places with authentic Japanese atmosphere. Just steps from busy Shibuya Crossing is a small, atmospheric alley in an area called Nonbeiuokocho with hole-in-the-wall restaurants and sake bars. We went into one run by an 80 year old woman whose apron said “Rose.” Rose has been running the place for 45 years and has a fondness for plum wine. She asked Shuhei to fix her camera and he did (the SD card was in the wrong way). Rose also told us she has a blog. I hope to find it and ask Shuhei to translate an entry. Here are some of my favorite images from that night.

Tokyo Shibuya

Shibuya Sake bar Rose

80 year old woman whose apron said “Rose”

Rose outside her restaurant of 45 years

Rose hard at work (iPhoneography)

Rose hard at work in her sake bar

Sake Bar decor iPhoneography

Shibuya Sake bar Rose Shuhei

Drinking sake

Roppongi Taxi Holiday lights

Taxi ride through Roppongi Japanese streets