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Sunset Time Lapse Videos from Las Alamandas, Jalisco, Mexico


Palm trees and Pacific ocean views at sunset 

I recently returned from a trip to Mexico, where I stayed at Las Alamandas for the first time. Located 120 kilometers south of Puerto Vallarta, along Jalisco’s Costalegre Coast, Las Alamandas is situated on it’s own 1.500 nature reserve which offers up several different vantage points to take in the stunning views of the Pacific ocean at sunset.

The second I saw the property I knew I’d be making time lapse videos on my iPhone 6.

Sunset time-lapse video shot on the beach at Las Alamandas

I clipped my camera mount to an agave plant on the beach in order to get this perspective. The waves were unusually strong, due to seismic activity in the Pacific.

On our last night at the hotel, we drove up a rocky road to Sunset Point, where we took in the stunning views while enjoying cocktails and cake (we were celebrating my husband’s birthday).

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Sunset Point’s spectacular views

I clipped my camera mount to the table to shoot the time-lapse below on my iPhone 6. It was very windy and so the resulting video is not particularly smooth, although the views are still rather beautiful. While I love the compact size of my iPhone 6, wind is one of the elements where shooting with a heavier camera can yield better results.

Sunset Point time lapse from Las Alamandas

When shooting into the sun with a mobile phone, there is going to be flare. Sometimes the flare has flair, sometimes it doesn’t work as great. But the view is still spectacular.

Processed with VSCOcam with c7 preset

Sunset stroll along one of the private beaches at Las Alamandas

Las Alamandas Resort

Carretera Federal 200 km 83.5
Costalegre, Jalisco, Mexico CP 48850

Toll Free US: 1888 882 9616
Toll Free Mexico: 1800 8366640
Tel 52 322 285 5500