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One hand on my iPhone, and the other one is ditching my camera bag

Ok – maybe not completely true.  After all, there isn’t an app yet that can give me the optics and control I have on my Canon 5D or the texture and resolution of my Diana F+. However, there is a new movement afoot and it has a name: iPhoneography.

It’s early in the game, but there are already a staggering number of apps that are vying for your attention and your money. I’ve sorted through a few and put together a video post for your viewing pleasure. Watch out for the cameos by Erina Pindar and Kelly Teller.

Yes – the genre of the camera phone image capture has finally found the tool to carry it forward. And what’s not to love? It’s compact and unobtrusive, making it all the better to catch those unguarded moments. It’s got the capability to do post work on your photos right away and you can also share them in the very next instant. And what it all comes down to my friends, is that no one’s got it figured out just yet, but the best camera (as brilliantly trademarked by Chase Jarvis), is the one that is with you, and most of the time that is my iPhone.

Check out some of the photos from the video.

The one that started it all. The original Oz Wine Glass.

Iris Photo Suite
Grunged in Iris Photo Suite
Schindler’s List